Prawo sportowe 18.07.2024

[Sports law] How to negotiate the terms of a player contract in football, basketball or volleyball?

Negotiating a player's contract is a complicated process that requires knowledge of sports law and the specificity of a given discipline. Athletes, especially footballers, basketball players and volleyball players, before signing a contract with a club, should carefully analyze all the terms of the player's contract, both in formal terms related to legal issues and financial conditions. A sports law firm specializing in sports law may prove to be invaluable support in this process, especially if the athlete is not represented by a sports agent in the process of negotiating a sports contract with a sports club.

What are the key elements of a player contract - sports contract?

Each sports contract - a player's contract, i.e. an agreement concluded between a sports club and an athlete on the basis of which the athlete provides sports services, i.e. simply practices sports in a given discipline, should contain several basic elements, such as:

contract validity period – precise determination of the contract start and end date,
remuneration – basic salary and additional bonuses for sports achievements,
rights and obligations of the parties - detailed definition of the obligations of the player and the club,
terms of termination of the contract - the principles under which the contract can be terminated before its expiry,
image rights – rules for using the player's image by the club and sponsors.

When concluding a professional contract, it is also worth paying attention to the legal form of the professional contract as well as tax issues and possible threats related to tax optimization, which affect the differences between the gross and net remuneration amounts. In many cases, these issues are individual and require special consideration by a lawyer specializing in sports law.

Player's salary and bonuses

Salary negotiations are one of the key aspects of a player's contract. In addition to the basic salary, it is worth paying attention to bonuses for sports results, which can significantly increase a player's income. Bonuses may be related to the number of goals scored, assists, appearances in matches or the achievement of specific goals by the team. A lawyer specializing in sports law will help you negotiate favorable financial terms.

Player's image rights

Image rights, the so- called image rights are another important element of the contract. The player's image is often used for marketing purposes by the club and sponsors. When negotiating a contract, it is worth ensuring that the terms of using the image are clearly defined and favorable to the player. A lawyer from a sports law firm can help protect image rights and ensure fair terms of cooperation. Image rights may also be the subject of a separate agreement concluded between the sports club and the player.

Player transfers

Transfers of players, both footballers, basketball players and volleyball players, i.e. changing club affiliation, is often a complex process that requires the involvement of lawyers specializing in sports law. The transfer of a footballer or volleyball player involves negotiating not only the terms of the individual contract, but also the terms of the transfer between clubs. A sports law firm can support the player at every stage of the transfer, taking care of his interests. This applies especially to international transfers when the player changes legal jurisdiction, including tax jurisdiction. The situation is, of course, simpler in the case of domestic transfers, e.g. within one league, because then the legal environment based on which contracts and other agreements concluded by the player does not change.

Specificity of individual sports disciplines

Negotiations of a football contract, basketball contract or volleyball contract vary depending on the specificity of each discipline and the sports law regulations applicable within a given discipline. For example, in football, legal relations between clubs and players are regulated by regulations of national football associations - e.g. resolutions of the Management Board of the Polish Football Association, or in the case of international agreements, FIFA regulations - e.g. RSTP - FIFA Regulation on Statutes and Transfers Players . In addition, the adopted practices of concluding transfer agreements and player contracts are important. For example, in the case of football, buy-out clauses are often an important element, which allow the player to leave the club for a certain amount. In basketball and volleyball, provisions regarding participation in international competitions or conditions regarding injuries may be important.

Help from a lawyer specializing in sports law

Negotiating the terms of a player's contract is a process that requires not only legal knowledge, but also experience in the sports industry. A lawyer specializing in sports law can help with:

  • analysis and negotiation of the financial terms of the contract,
  • protection of rights to the player's image,
  • preparation and negotiation of transfer terms,
  • establishing conditions regarding injury and insurance,
  • ensuring compliance of the contract with applicable sports law provisions.


Negotiating the terms of a player's contract is a key moment in every athlete's career. It is worth using the services of a sports law firm to ensure professional support and protection of your interests. The sports law firm in Gdynia offers comprehensive legal assistance, which includes analysis and negotiation of contracts, protection of image rights and support in player transfers.

Remember that a well-negotiated contract can have a huge impact on the development of your professional career and financial stability. Contact our sports law firm to learn more about how we can help you negotiate your player contract.

Sports & business lawyer - sports law attorney in Poland

If you have questions about negotiating a player contract or need legal assistance in the field of sports law, please contact our law firm. Our lawyers and legal advisors specializing in sports law are at your disposal.

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