Prawo spadkowe 24.07.2024

[Inheritance law] What legal liability do heirs have for inheritance debts in Polish inheritance law?

Inheritance law is one of the key areas of civil law that many of us will have to deal with sooner or later. Therefore, it is worth knowing the basic rules, especially regarding the liability of heirs for inheritance debts. A law firm in Gdynia specializing in inheritance law will help dispel doubts and advise in difficult situations.

What are the basic rules of inheritance in Poland based on a will or statute?

Inheritance may occur on the basis of an act or a will. In both cases, the heirs may have to deal not only with the assets left by the testator, but also with his liabilities. Inheritance law in Poland provides for several ways in which heirs can accept an inheritance:

  • acceptance of the inheritance directly - the heir accepts the inheritance without restrictions, which means that he is liable for the inheritance debts with his entire assets,
  • acceptance of inheritance with the benefit of inventory - the heir is liable for inheritance debts only up to the value of the inherited property,
  • rejection of inheritance - the heir does not accept the inheritance, which means that he does not inherit either the property or the inheritance debts.

Is the heir liable for the inheritance debts?

In practice, it is most often recommended to accept the inheritance with the benefit of inventory. Liability for inheritance debts up to the value of inheritance assets is a safer solution, especially when we do not know the full financial situation of the testator. An inheritance lawyer at an inheritance law firm in Gdynia will help you determine which form of accepting the inheritance will be the most advantageous.

Acceptance of an inheritance with the benefit of an inventory requires the preparation of an inventory list by the bailiff or the submission of an inventory list by the heir. It is worth using the help of a legal advisor to ensure that the entire process runs smoothly and in accordance with the law.

Can compulsory share involve liability for inheritance debts?

A compulsory share is an institution of inheritance law that aims to protect the testator's closest family members against being completely deprived of their share in the inheritance. However, it should be remembered that the compulsory share is not free from the burden of inheritance debts. A lawyer specializing in inheritance law can help in determining the amount of the compulsory share due and in matters related to inheritance debts.

How do inheritance debts expire?

Another important issue is the statute of limitations for inheritance debts. Under Polish law, inheritance debts are subject to a statute of limitations, but the deadlines may vary depending on the type of obligation. For example, tax liabilities expire after five years from the end of the calendar year in which the tax payment deadline expired. A lawyer from an inheritance law firm in Gdynia can help you precisely determine the limitation periods for individual debts.

Is it worth getting a lawyer's advice on inheritance matters?

Using the services of a law firm in Gdynia specializing in inheritance law may prove invaluable in difficult inheritance cases. A legal advisor will help not only in the proper acceptance or rejection of the inheritance, but also in managing inheritance debts, negotiations with creditors and preparing the necessary documentation.

Inheritance is a complicated process and full of legal traps, so it is worth seeking professional help. The inheritance law office in Gdynia offers comprehensive legal services that will help you go through the entire inheritance process in accordance with applicable regulations and in the most advantageous manner possible.

To sum up, the liability of heirs for inheritance debts is a complex issue that requires knowledge of the law and the ability to apply it. A law firm in Gdynia specializing in inheritance law provides support at every stage of inheritance proceedings, protecting the interests of its clients and ensuring their peace of mind in difficult times.

Law office in POland - attorneys-at-law

If you have questions about liability for inheritance debts or need legal assistance in inheritance matters, please contact our law firm in Gdynia. Our lawyers and legal advisors are at your disposal.

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