Prawo przedsiębiorców

Kiedy organizacja ma obowiązek powołania IOD (Inspektora Ochrony Danych)?

Zgodnie z art. 37 ust. 1 RODO (ang. GDPR) – Ogólne Rozporządzenie o Ochronie Danych Osobowych (Rozporządzenie Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) nr 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. (Dz. Urz. UE Nr L 119 z dnia 04 maja 2016 r.), organizacja ma obowiązek wyznaczenia Inspektora Ochrony Danych, w sytuacji gdy: 

przetwarzania dokonuje jako organ lub podmiot publiczny, z wyjątkiem sądów w zakresie sprawowania przez nie wymiaru sprawiedliwości,

główna działalność organizacji jako administratora lub podmiotu przetwarzającego polega na operacjach przetwarzania danych, które ze względu na swój charakter, zakres lub cele wymagają regularnego i systematycznego monitorowania osób, których dane dotyczą, na dużą skalę,

główna działalność organizacji jako administratora lub podmiotu przetwarzającego polega na przetwarzaniu na dużą skalę wrażliwych danych osobowych oraz danych osobowych dotyczących wyroków skazujących i naruszeń prawa.


W każdej innej sytuacji organizacja dokonując oceny ryzyka, może zdecydować się o wyznaczeniu osoby IOD pomimo braku obowiązku prawnego. 


Stan prawny na dzień: 30.04.2021 r.


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Prawo sportowe 09.04.2024
[Sports law] Is a dispute between an athlete, coach or agent with a club always resolved by a sports tribunal or arbitration court?

In many cases, the content of agreements and contracts between a player, coach or agent with a club includes arbitration clauses, according to which the parties submit all sports to a specific sports arbitration tribunal or sports arbitration court. In such cases, the parties undertake to resolve the matter through sports arbitration rather than in court. However, a dispute between an athlete, coach or agent with a club does not always have to be resolved by a sports tribunal or arbitration court. The resolution of such a dispute may depend on many factors, such as the contract between the parties, the regulations of the league or sports federation, as well as applicable common law. A sports law firm specializing in legal issues related to sports is an important point of reference for people and entities involved in various legal issues in the world of sports. Sports law, which regulates the rules, procedures and relationships between participants in the world of sport, plays a key role in ensuring justice, equality and integrity in various sports disciplines. A sports law firm can offer a wide range of legal services, including: advice on concluding contracts, representation in disciplinary, arbitration and court matters, as well as support in matters related to image rights and sponsorship. Sports law specialists often have in-depth knowledge of the regulations governing specific sports disciplines, the principles of operation of sports federations and organizations, as well as international standards and codes of conduct. Sports law, which is a set of rules, regulations and standards, aims to both protect the interests of participants in the world of sports and ensure integrity, honesty and equality in competition. It covers a wide range of topics, from issues related to player transfers, through anti-doping regulations, to regulations regarding the organization of competitions and sporting events. Operating at the intersection of many areas of law, sports law often requires specialized knowledge and experience that can be provided by specialized sports law firms. Using the services of a sports law firm can be crucial for people and entities involved in the world of sports, especially in the face of the growing number of regulations, procedures and disputes that may arise. These law firms can help interpret complex regulations, represent their clients' interests in disputes and negotiations, and provide comprehensive legal and business support. In this way, a sports law firm and sports law together create the foundations on which the functioning and development of the world of sports in modern society are based. sports law lawyer law firm sports law sports law office Gdynia law firm Tricity Gdańsk Gdynia Sopot sports law lawyer law firm

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