In the practice of turnover, in relations between a club and a player, a situation often arises in which the parties to a football contract are not interested in its continued validity. Then, issues related to the termination of such a contract are analyzed, in particular by the legal opinion of a lawyer specializing in contract law, sports law, with particular emphasis on football law.
First of all, it should be noted that in principle any football contract may be terminated before the date for which it was concluded. A football contract may be terminated primarily by mutual consent of the parties, e.g. in connection with the transfer of the player, or terminated unilaterally by the club or the player himself. In this entry, we will deal with the situation of terminating a football contract due to the club's fault.
Legal relations between a club and a player in Poland are governed by Resolution No. VI/90 of June 16, 2023 of the Management Board of the Polish Football Association -
Minimum requirements for standard player contracts in the professional football sector (hereinafter referred to as the "PZPN Resolution", as of January 1, 2024), which is the resolution in Art. 9 of the PZPN Resolutions [contractual stability], specifies the methods of terminating a football contract, i.e. a contract concluded between a club and a player in the professional football sector (Article 3 of the PZPN Resolution).
The principle of contractual stability, also adopted in Art. 13 et seq. FIFA RSTP (FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players), means that, as a rule, a contract between a professional football player, a coach with professional status, and a club may be terminated only after the expiry of the contract (expiration of the period for which it was concluded), or by mutual consent of the parties (dissolution by mutual consent of the parties). However, it should be remembered that there are exceptions to this rule, which are also provided for in the provisions of Polish football law - resolution No. VI/90 of June 16, 2023 of the Management Board of the Polish Football Association - specifying - Minimum requirements for standard player contracts in the professional football sector . It should be remembered that contractual stability is subject to special protection, such as sanctions for unjustified violation of contractual stability by a player or club, provided for in Art. 10 et seq. Resolutions of the Polish Football Association.
Pursuant to Art. 9 section 2 of the Resolution, the parties to the contract (club or player) are generally not entitled to terminate or unilaterally terminate the Contract, subject to the cases provided for in the Resolution. Depending on the situation (actual situation), a football contract may be terminated in several ways:
termination of a football contract by a football player through unilateral termination of the contract due to the fault of the football club (Article 9(3) of the Resolution),
termination of a football contract by a football club through unilateral termination of the contract due to the player's fault (Article 9(4) of the Resolution),
termination of a football contract by a football club through unilateral termination of the contract without any fault of the player (Article 9(5) of the Resolution),
declaring the football contract invalid (Article 9(12) of the Polish Football Association Resolution).
It should be emphasized that a separate issue is the provisions of the parties contained in the player contract itself, in which the club and the player regulated their mutual legal relations, including the termination of the football contract following the transfer of the player. Moreover, both the player and the club have the right to submit a lawsuit to the PSP - Football Arbitration Court at the Polish Football Association for termination of the contract due to the fault of one of the parties or for reasons not attributable to the parties, in cases other than
indicated in art. 9 section 3-5 Resolutions of the Polish Football Association. Then, the PSP, examining the case in each case, individually assesses whether in a given case there has been a gross breach of contractual obligations by the club or the player (soccer player). The contract is terminated on the date of the final decision
PSP, unless the judgment issued in the first instance is immediately enforceable (Article 9(10) of the PZPN Resolution).
In this entry, we discuss the situation when a player has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract due to the club's fault by making a written declaration submitted to the club under pain of nullity.