Prawo sportowe 14.08.2023

[Sports law, football law] Did you know…? Part 1.

Conclusions from the justification of the decision of the sports arbitration court:

  • When settling sports disputes, the FIFA Tribunal is primarily guided by the principle of "pacta sunt servanta", which is the principle of contractual stability and loyal adherence to contractual obligations.
  • In "football" disputes, it is common practice for the arbitration court to adjudicate interest for late payment in the amount of 5%, which applies in particular to claims for payment by football clubs, coaches, and players for late payment.
  • The FIFA Dispute Resolution Chamber (DRC) as the adjudicating body of FIFA is entitled to adjudicate the consequences of failure to fulfill the contract (non-performance of the obligation), including a ban from registering any new players.

The decision of the FIFA Tribunal DRC of November 9, 2022, in the case of Kyriakos PAPADOPOULOS against Al Fayha Club, Saudi Arabia, ref. file REF FPSD-7748.

The decision of the FIFA Tribunal DRC of November 9, 2022, in the case of Kyriakos PAPADOPOULOS against Al Fayha Club, Saudi Arabia, ref. file REF FPSD-7748.


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