Nie tylko prawo 27.03.2024

Wesołych Świąt Wielkiejnocnych! / Happy Easter 2024!

🇵🇱 Wielkanoc, to nie tylko święto religijne, ale również święto wiosny. A wiosna oznacza początek... | ADVISER Armknecht & Partners attorneys-at-law, Kancelaria Prawna Trójmiasto: Gdańsk, Gdynia, Spot

Z okazji Świąt Wielkanocnych, cały zespół naszej Kancelarii Prawnej w Gdyni - ADVISER Armknecht & Partners attorneys-at-law, pragnie złożyć najserdeczniejsze życzenia dla naszych szanownych klientów, współpracowników oraz partnerów!

Niech te radosne Święta będą pełne nadziei, pokoju i radości, a każdy kolejny dzień przynosi Państwu sukcesy i spełnienie.

Życzymy Państwu obfitości na świątecznym stole, ciepłych chwil w gronie rodziny oraz wiele radości i spokoju. Niech ten czas przyniesie wiele nadziei i niezapomnianych chwil.

Z serca życzymy Wesołych Świąt Wielkanocnych!

- Zespół Kancelarii Prawnej w Gdyni, radca prawny Gdynia.

🇬🇧 /🇺🇸 Easter is not only one of the principal holidays of Christianity but it is a rite of spring. Easter means beginning... | ADVISER Armknecht & Partners attorneys-at-law, Gdynia, Poland - law firm

On the occasion of Easter, the entire team at our law firm in Gdynia, Poland - ADVISER Armknecht & Partners attorneys-at-law, would like to extend our warmest wishes to our valued clients, associates and partners!

May this joyful holiday be filled with hope, peace, and happiness, and may each day bring you success and fulfillment.

We wish you abundance at your Easter table, warm moments with your family, and many blessings.

May this time bring you much joy and unforgettable memories. From the heart, we wish you a Happy Easter!

- The Team at ADVISER Armknecht & Partners attorneys at law, Gdynia, Poland

Sprawdź pozostałe nasze wpisy

Prawo sportowe 06.02.2023
[Sports law] Sports Litigation & Arbitration in Poland

Settlement of legal disputes in sport, in particular those of a property nature, which can be colloquially referred to as "vindication in sport" or "sports vindication", is generally carried out in arbitration (arbitration proceedings), referred to as sports arbitration. In many cases, in order to properly resolve disputes, sports organizations have established specialized permanent arbitration courts (permanent arbitration courts) - Arbitration Tribunals, which by definition know the norms of sports law and understand the specificity of sport, which is to ensure proper recognition of cases and settlement of disputes in sport. The main purpose of recognition of the disputes in the field of broadly understood sports law relations by Arbitration Tribunals, i.e. excluding the jurisdiction of common courts, is the speed and efficiency of examining such disputes and the fairness of arbitration proceedings, in particular due to the knowledge of the regulations of sports organizations and associations referred to as sports law or more broadly as lex sportiva. It should be noted that the market of legal services, attorneys representing the parties (replacing the parties) in proceedings in sports law disputes, has also educated lawyers specializing in sports law, or law firms practicing in the field of sports law (sports law firms). Sports law also includes standards regulating the recognition of legal disputes in sport, in terms of the system, i.e. determining the bodies competent to consider such disputes - Arbitration Tribunals (permanent arbitration courts).Arbitration Tribunals can be classified as: 1) domestic and foreign, 2) operating within a given sport discipline (e.g. football or basketball). Sports law, sports law in poland, polish sports law, polish sports lawyer, sports lawyer in poland, disputes in sport poland, poland lex sportiva, sports law poland , football disputes poland, football court poland, footbnall litigation poland, law in sport poland, Legal disputes in sport and the resolution of legal disputes in sports (sports law, lex sportiva) is generally carried out in arbitration (ADR - Alternative Dispute Resolution), referred to as modification of sports arbitration. However, this is not a rule without exceptions. It should be emphasized that the main or most popular sports disciplines (basketball and football) have been developed by specialized permanent arbitration courts such as PSP (PZPN - Polish FA - Football Arbitration Court), Football Tribunal on FIFA: DRC (Dispute Resolution Chamber) , PSC (Players' Status Chamber), AC (Agents Chamber), STA (Polish Basketball Federation Arbitration Tribunal). Moreover, in Poland cases are also heard by the Arbitration Tribunal at PKOL (Polish Olympic Committee), and internationally by CAS / TAS - the Sports Arbitration Court, also known as the Sports Arbitration Court with its seat in Lausanne and branches in New York and Sydney.

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